Business and Data Analysis
Move Your Project Forward
As a generalized specialist I bring all your pieces, strings and streams together. Business and IT, end2end from legacy data sources through lake, vaults, dwh and marts to high end top tools and methods. Optimizing, maturing and and combing business processes with data touch points and golden sources, supporting with AI and battle hardened statistics.
It’s all here. In one hand. Literally.
How can I help you?
Combined skills and services help you to reduce overhead, friction loss, head count, time to market and, of course, COSTS.
Strategy Consulting
Closed loop marketing, analytic KYC/AML processes - grow your businesses maturity for more efficiency and regulatory safety.
Project Management
External connected thinker, business and it hardened, independent of company histories and hierarchies, dedicated to project and sponsor only
Business Analysis
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Data Science
Supporting your business with AI. Developing solutions fitting your challenges with a wide range of tools.
Risk Management
Banking, Financial Services
Projects I’m very proud of and show, what you can expect when putting your trust in me.

My Customers
DAX and MDAX groups, medium-sized banks, Swiss retail groups, Greek and Croatian major telcos
"Top Tier Material"
Would you like to start a project with me?
Call me. Write me via eMail/LinkedIn/Xing/Gulp/ and we will find out, if it’s a match. Together!